Whatever your injection or infusion therapy, we deal with the complexities of insurance so you don’t have to.

We start working with your insurance company as soon as possible to verify benefits and get treatment authorized. We help remove financial barriers and eliminate frustration and hassle.

We go the extra mile to help minimize your costs

Our insurance professionals have the experience, know-how and savvy to navigate approvals and identify sources of financial assistance.

Before your first visit, you’ll complete your patient information forms and other paperwork we need.

Infusion Care of East Alabama, Auburn

Financial Assistance

We proactively research, identify, and help you enroll in all pharmaceutical rebate and patient financial assistance programs that apply to you in order to help keep your out-of-pocket treatment costs as low as possible.

Infusion Care of East Alabama, Auburn

No Surprise Expenses

We work closely with insurance carriers to ensure expeditious claim processing and your maximum coverage. Our payment process is easy, and we make sure that our patients don’t have any surprise expenses during their infusion therapy.

Infusion Care of East Alabama, Auburn

Significant Savings vs. Hospital Outpatient Infusion

Our state-of-the-art infusion therapy facilities deliver the same treatment as a hospital outpatient infusion center but at a significantly lower cost. On average, comparable infusion treatments cost 53% less than hospital-based infusions. (Source: National Infusion Center Association education on infusion site-of care based on 2018 Magellan Rx Management, Medical Formulary Report)

Who to Contact

At Infusion Care of East Alabama, our patients are our No. 1 priority. If you need assistance, please contact our office at Frontoffice@infusioncare.org or 334-521-0073.